Tanz Linz, Tanzkurs, Tanzworkshop, Yoga Linz; DAnce Linz Contemporary Dance, Choreographie, Tanzkurs, Tanzworkshop, Dance class, dance workshop, dance course
Tanzkurse, Tanzworkshops, Aus- und Fortbildungen, Yoga, Integrative Körperarbeit, Naturerleben sowie Kunstprojekte von Mirjam Stadler in Linz und außerhalb.Mirjam Stadler: Tänzerin, Choreographin; Tanz- & Musikpädagogin; Integrative Körperarbeit Praktikerin; Yoga-Lehrerin; Psychologin; Natur- und Wildnispädagogin
Information obligation according to §5 E-Commerce Law, §14 Corporate Code, §63 Trade Regulations and disclosure obligation according to §25 Media Act.
Mirjam Stadler
Ludlgasse 19,
4020 Linz,
Tel .: +43 6509012250
Email: info@mirjam-stadler.com
Object of the company: Creation of training concepts for health-conscious people
Member of: WKO
Professional law: Trade regulations: www.ris.bka.gv.at
Supervisory authority / trade authority: Magistrat Linz
Awarding country: Austria
Source: Created with the Imprint Generator from AdSimple® in cooperation with aboutbusiness.at
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In accordance with the regulation on online dispute resolution in consumer affairs (ODR regulation), we would like to inform you about the online dispute resolution platform (OS platform).
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We are constantly developing the content of this website and strive to provide correct and current information. Unfortunately we cannot accept any liability for the correctness of all content on this website, especially for those provided by third parties.
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If you notice illegal links on our website, please contact us, you will find the contact details in the legal notice.
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All contents of this website (images, photos, texts, videos) are subject to copyright. If necessary, we will legally prosecute the unauthorized use of parts of the content on our site.
Should you find any content on this website that violates copyright law, please contact us.
Photo credit
The images, photos and graphics on this website are protected by copyright.
The image rights belong to the following photographers and companies:
Mick Morley
Mirek Dworczak (Mirek Dworczak photo studio)
Wolfgang Schlerka (LupoGraphie)
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