Tanz Linz, Tanzkurs, Tanzworkshop, Yoga Linz; DAnce Linz Contemporary Dance, Choreographie, Tanzkurs, Tanzworkshop, Dance class, dance workshop, dance course
Tanzkurse, Tanzworkshops, Aus- und Fortbildungen, Yoga, Integrative Körperarbeit, Naturerleben sowie Kunstprojekte von Mirjam Stadler in Linz und außerhalb.Mirjam Stadler: Tänzerin, Choreographin; Tanz- & Musikpädagogin; Integrative Körperarbeit Praktikerin; Yoga-Lehrerin; Psychologin; Natur- und Wildnispädagogin
Credits: Ceren Oran & Salzburg Soundpainting Collective
Instant Improvisation & Composition Evenings (I.I.C.E. Linz)
Evenings for a collaborative interdisciplinary Improvisation and Instant Composition practice.
Sunday 17:00 - 20:00
Location: SonnensteinLoft, Sonnensteinstraße 11-13, 4040 Linz
(Entrance: around the corner, past the parking lot)
5€ for the studio (free for Associated Artists of RedSapata Tanzfabrik *)
& free donation for the Community
until the Friday before to Bety:
elisabet.bort@gmail.com or 0650 4228987
* For becoming an Associated Artist at RedSapata go here.
(More Info about it: here)
We want to create a community of artists for a collaborative work where we all come together to research and practice on instant improvisation and composition.
At its core, interdisciplinary instant improvisation and composition is a collaborative and spontaneous performative practice and form of artistic creation.
We provide a platform for artists of all fields to come together and create. Through this collaborative practice, we learn and grow alongside one another, continuously pushing the boundaries of our artistic abilities.
We welcome dancers, musicians, actors, clowns, visual artists, painters, and all other artists to join and enrich this interdisciplinary community here in Linz.
By bringing together artists from diverse fields, we foster a dynamic environment where ideas, techniques, and inspirations can lead to creation. We want to open our research and work in progress to the public and from time to time share it with an audience in form of a performance.
We are very excited about bringing this format to Linz. Let us create a space where we can have a lot of fun and artistic development and embrace the unexpected.
Feel free to forward this information to other artists (of any artform).
We are taking this idea and concept of SIE (Salzburg Improvisation Evengings) which we were participating in back in Salzburg. Therefore we are collaborating with Nayana the founder of SIE and we hope that it will also grow to such a great Community and Exchange platform here in Linz, in collaboration with RedSapata and SonnensteinLoft.
Target Group:
Professional Artists of all fields
Dates: (on a regular basis)
Sunday evenings: 5pm to 8pm
3. March
14. April
26. May
9. June
7. July
Location: SonnensteinLoft
Sonnensteinstraße 11-13, 4040 Linz (Entrance Reindlstraße 16-18)